Alcohol on the e-scooter? Clear foul play!

Using e-scooters - but the right way
Alcohol on the e-scooter? Clear foul play!
The same rules apply to alcohol consumption on an e-scooter as in a car!
Police Mettmann

Whether in the stadium, at a barbecue with friends or at a fan festival: anyone watching the European Football Championship often associates this with the consumption of alcoholic beverages - and rightly leaves the car behind.

But beware: fans who think they'll head home drunk on an e-scooter instead after a boozy soccer party should be warned:

The same rules apply to alcohol consumption on an e-scooter as in a car!


In plain language, this means:

Drivers of an e-scooter who are still in their probationary period must observe the zero alcohol limit. A blood alcohol level of 0.5 or more is an administrative offense - a yellow card, so to speak.

Gross foul play occurs at a blood alcohol level of 1.1 - this is also referred to as absolute unfitness to drive, which even constitutes a criminal offence under Section 316 of the German Criminal Code (red card). There are no points in the table for this, but there are in Flensburg. There is also the threat of a one to three-month driving ban. On top of that, there is also a hefty fine.



Please do not commit any foul play and do not allow yourself to be put offside, because our referees keep an eye on traffic not only on match days and are known for their consistent whistling! Don't put yourself and others in danger - and remember your driver's license: after consuming alcoholic beverages, it's better to take a cab or have friends or relatives drive you home. An e-scooter is not an adequate alternative after consuming alcohol!

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