Burglary protection

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Burglary protection
How do you protect your property from crime? In addition to detailed information, you will find addresses of companies that professionally install security technology here.


General information

The police crime statistics record a high number of cases of burglary every year. A burglary can be a drastic experience for those affected and can cause not only material but also great psychological damage. For this reason, the NRW police would like to encourage you to take care of your personal safety and protect yourself against burglary.

Popular points of attack for burglars are all poorly secured building openings (front door, apartment entrance door, balcony doors, patio doors, windows, cellar entrances, etc.). Police experience shows that it is possible to protect yourself against burglary: more than 40% of burglaries are unsuccessful, not least because of security systems.

Burglary protection

In addition to the right behavior, mechanical and electronic security products can also protect against crime, especially burglary.

The effectiveness of these security products is only guaranteed if they are professionally planned and installed. The address lists below and to the right list companies that have committed themselves to professional project planning and installation. In addition to these address lists, citizens and interested companies will find information on the requirements for inclusion in the address list and which obligations have been or must be recognized by the companies included.

Further information on the topic "Prevention of property crime" can be found under the corresponding heading.

Campaign against burglary "Riegel vor! Safe is safer."

In 2011, the NRW police launched the campaign "Riegel vor! Safe is safer." into being. You can find more information about burglary protection on this page.


Specialist company/installer company for mechanical security devices

Have the security technology professionally installed by companies that are listed on the so-called address certificates of the NRW State Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA). You can find the proof of address in the federal installer database. The respective specialist companies in all federal states are listed there in a nationwide installer database. You can customize your search with a filter function, e.g. by zip code, city, federal state or radius search.

Installer companies that are included in the address list for mechanical security devices of the LKA NRW fulfill the necessary formal, personnel and technical requirements of a catalog of obligations and have committed themselves, among other things:

  • to offer tested and certified burglar-resistant (retrofit) products
  • to guarantee professional customer advice
  • to provide customers with written and unambiguous offers
  • to observe the manufacturer's installation instructions and the applicable
  • relevant regulations and standards after placing the order and
  • to carry out professional installation by their own specialists

The NRW police assume no liability for the work carried out by these companies. Occasionally, there are also indications that listed companies do not comply with the regulations.

In addition, non-listed companies can also provide professional installation of safety technology.

Specialist companies/installers of hold-up and intruder alarm systems (hold-up and intruder alarm systems)

In addition to tested/certified mechanical security devices, the installation of hold-up and burglar alarm systems can be useful.

You can find proof of address in the federal installer database. The respective specialist companies in all federal states are listed there in a nationwide installer database. You can customize your search using a filter function, e.g. by zip code, city, federal state or radius search.

The companies listed in the proof of address for installers of intruder alarm and hold-up alarm systems meet the necessary formal, personnel and technical requirements of the list of obligations and have committed themselves to the following points, among others:

  • to plan, install and maintain intrusion detection and hold-up alarm systems in such a way that intrusion attempts are reported as early as possible and false alarms are largely excluded by taking appropriate measures
  • to only use system components/devices for intrusion detection and hold-up alarm systems as a matter of principle, which have been tested and certified both individually and for their intended interaction by a certification body accredited for the field of "hazard alarm system technology" (e.g. BSI, VdS)
  • to comply with the standards, regulations and guidelines listed in the list of obligations
  • all project planning, installation and maintenance work must be carried out in accordance with the relevant standards and regulations, installation and maintenance work in accordance with the specifications in the list of requirements by their own specialists who receive regular training
  • to submit written and clear offers to the system operators/customers
  • to prepare a system description in accordance with the requirements of the list of requirements for each installed IDS/IDS, to sign both copies and hand one copy to the operator (of interest to the police)
  • to instruct the system operator and other persons designated by the operator in an appropriate and comprehensible manner on the function and operation of the monitoring and alarm system
  • to have the monitoring and alarm system inspected together with the operator at the request of the LKA NRW

The NRW police assume no liability for the work carried out by these companies.

Catalogs of duties

The specialist companies listed in the proof of address (right-hand side under "Further information") have undergone an admission procedure by the LKA NRW to prove their qualifications.

The admission procedure is based on the relevant catalog of duties. The catalogs of obligations describe the admission criteria that the installer companies must meet for admission as well as the obligations that the installer companies must ensure compliance with upon admission. The catalogs of obligations can be found on the right-hand side in the download area.

Information on training courses and regulations for the field of mechanics can be found on the website of the Bavarian State Office of Criminal Investigation (www.polizei.bayern.de in the section: Protection and prevention - Advice - Technical advice - Catalogs of obligations for installer companies).

The admission applications for the proof of address of the LKA NRW can be found in the appendix of the respective catalog of obligations, which can be found on the right-hand side in the download area. 

Please send the completed application and all documents to be submitted to the following address:

Landeskriminalamt NRW
Sachgebiet 32.2 - Technische Prävention
Völklinger Str. 49
40221 Düsseldorf

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110