Colorful pills with deadly effects

Ecstasy Pillen
Colorful pills with deadly effects
Ever higher levels of active ingredients in ecstasy pills (XTC) - dangerous mixed consumption with alcohol and other drugs
State Office of Criminal Investigation NRW

The consumption of XTC pills is becoming increasingly dangerous. This is confirmed by investigations of seized XTC pills by the Forensic Science and Technology Institute of the NRW State Office of Criminal Investigation and other investigating authorities.

The consumption of a single XTC pill can be fatal.The effects of XTC pills and the risk of intoxication do not only depend on the composition and dosage of the pills. Consumption habits, body weight and possible pre-existing conditions of the user also play a role. The additional consumption of other drugs and alcohol is particularly dangerous.


The most important active ingredient in XTC pills is MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethyl-amphetamine), although other chemically related active ingredients have been found in analyses of XTC pills. The consumption of just 120 milligrams (mg) of MDMA can have serious health consequences. XTC pills are available with different logos and in various designs. What they have in common is that neither the logo nor the color, appearance and size of the pills provide any reliable indication of the ingredients, active ingredient content and danger. Pills with the same logo or appearance can contain completely different substances and dosages. Imitations of certain pills are often produced. Repeatedly buying a supposedly similar pill from the same dealer does not provide any certainty.


While the average dose of MDMA per XTC pill tested in Germany in 2009 was still around 50 mg, this average dose had risen to around 135 mg per XTC pill by 2018. In individual cases, experts have found values far above 200 mg per XTC pill. The size of the pills and the associated amount of active ingredient also varies.

Figures from the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) also confirm that the average active ingredient content of XTC pills has risen sharply over the years. Depending on the composition of the pill, the desired effect can also be delayed (15 minutes to several hours) after ingestion, which often results in the consumption of a second pill, often with life-threatening consequences.


Further information can be found on a special website of the Federal Centre for Health Education (

The website for children and young people of the state and federal police crime prevention program, www.polizeifü, provides further information on synthetic drugs.

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