EM 2024 - How to protect yourself from knife attacks

Man with a knife on the street
EM 2024 - How to protect yourself from knife attacks
Whether on the street, in the stadium or at a public viewing: It is not always easy to avoid disputes in crowds, especially during soccer fever and when many people gather in a confined space. Situations can arise where knives are suddenly involved and the situation can quickly become threatening.
State Office of Criminal Investigation NRW

Many people's sense of security at sporting events is compromised when knives are used in violent confrontations. Conflicts between fan groups, travelers and tourists may also occur at the 2024 European Championships. Fair play and respect should be paramount.

How to behave in public spaces

  • Leave your knife at home. In conflict situations, you won't even be tempted to use the knife.
  • Remember: Simply carrying a knife can be a criminal offense.
  • Knives are also not recommended for self-protection. They can be used against you very quickly and put you in danger yourself.

If you are threatened with a knife, the police advise the following:

  • If a knife is used in a conflict, do not seek a confrontation, but flee.
  • Dial 110 immediately.
  • If you see someone pull out a knife, the police advise the following:
  • If you witness a knife being used: Do not put yourself in danger, keep your distance and call 110 immediately. Getting help quickly can be vital.


Even small knives can cause serious injuries or, in the worst case, even be fatal. Stab wounds or cuts to the arms or legs can also become life-threatening within a very short time.

Further information

You can find more information in this guide (in German language) and on the websites listed.

Programme for police crime prevention of the federal states and the federal government: Internet page Knives can be deadly, as of August 2022
Internet page of the NRW police: Weapons law, Weapons calendar 2020 information sheet

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110