"Kurve kriegen": Active against juvenile delinquency

"Kurve kriegen" project
"Kurve kriegen": Active against juvenile delinquency
Successful prevention project
The North Rhine-Westphalian police have launched an effective state initiative to prevent young suspects of multiple offenses from spiraling downwards and turning into so-called prolific offenders.
Ann-Christin Osterholt - EN

Young people should find a better life beyond crime with "Kurve kriegen". The police are breaking new ground: In cooperation with educational specialists from the independent youth welfare organization - Verein sozial-integrativer Projekte e.V. - from Münster, the Borken district police authority takes care of delinquent children, young people and their families.

"Young people should recognize the added value of a life free of crime," says Victoria Bösing, educational specialist of the "Kurve kriegen" initiative in Borken. In this context, it is important for the educational specialists that young people come to terms with their own life stories.

"Song with rappers"

A workshop with the "rappers" from the "who.am.i.creative academy" in Mannheim therefore provided an opportunity to package their own biography in very personal song lines. The students described how difficult it was for them at school, in lockdown, with the police and with their families. Dreams of fame, fast cars and big money met the topics that directly affect their own lives: "Your own dream, your own path, I'll tell you how it goes and how far it still goes. Your own dream, your own path, I'm ready to stand by your side."

The workshop gave the students access to their own voice. They can use this not only to record a song, but also to assert themselves in life and give themselves a voice. They realized that their voice can be important for themselves and also for others. Raising their own voice loudly and respectfully can be so much more effective than displaying delinquent behavior.

In the coming weeks, the valuable impulses from the workshop will be taken up and individually deepened by the social educators of the "Kurve kriegen" initiative. (ao)

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110