Principles of police victim protection

Conversation with citizen
Principles of police victim protection
Victim protection and victim support are integral parts of police work in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

Victim protection and victim support are integral parts of police work in North Rhine-Westphalia. Police dealings with victims of crime and accidents are based on three principles:

  • Consideration of the exceptional situation in which victims of crime and traffic accidents may find themselves.
  • Mediation of adequate offers of help.
  • Information about victims' rights and the course of any subsequent proceedings.

The main task of police officers working in victim protection is to initiate and support networks at regional level with support facilities such as women's shelters, women's counseling centers, the "Weißer Ring e.V.", drug counseling centers, churches and other institutions. Competent and effective cooperation has been established at local and regional level in many places, in which the care administration, the judiciary, specialist therapeutic advice centers and others also participate.

All district police authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia employ specially trained police officers for the tasks of police victim protection and the provision of victim support. They play a key role in the professional victim protection provided by the police: they are the contact persons for all questions relating to victim protection and victim support.

The best way to protect victims is to prevent crime in a targeted and effective manner. Specially trained employees of the North Rhine-Westphalian police carry out proven prevention work. The police work together with important partners on a basis of trust in public order partnerships and crime prevention committees.

The basic idea behind victim protection is to make all institutions and people aware that they can make a contribution to taking the interests of victims even more strongly into account and asserting them. To promote this goal, the police work closely with victim support institutions and associations. The well-functioning cooperation between the police and the welfare administration makes a significant contribution to asserting the rights of victims after acts of violence. This also includes supporting victims with applications for benefits under the Social Compensation Act. Victims of crime are given the information sheet "On the rights of injured and aggrieved parties in criminal proceedings" as soon as the report is made. If the complaint was not made in person, the information sheet will be sent with the summons to the witness hearing. In suitable cases, the victim of a criminal offense will also be made aware of the possibility of obtaining compensation or damages for pain and suffering during the criminal proceedings with the help of the adhesion procedure. For this purpose, the victim receives the "2 in 1" flyer, which contains a corresponding sample letter. If this option is used, costly and time-consuming civil proceedings are no longer necessary. If necessary, the police officers specially trained in victim protection will assist the victim with the application.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110