Security recommendations for political activists

Logo "Sicher im Dienst", NRW Landewappen und Hashtag Sicher im Dienst
Security recommendations for political activists
The prevention network #sicherimDienst has drawn up some recommendations for the protection of politically active people and summarized them here.
Safe on duty/LKA NRW

Attacks and assaults on elected representatives and electoral assistants occur time and again.

What is the situation?

As public figures, they are particularly in the public eye right now. This requires everyone to be particularly sensitive to critical situations.

Good to know: The prevention network #sicherimDienst has compiled some recommendations for protecting politically active people and summarized them here. You can also find all the tips and information in the download area on the right (mobile view below).

How to prepare yourself

  • You can minimize risks and dangers by adopting a security-conscious approach. This starts in the run-up to appointments and events.
  • Discuss the topic of security during preparation and coordinate measures and procedures with your team.
  • Inform yourself about any indications of actions against your person or your party; contact the security authorities.
  • Inform the organizer about planned procedures and the expected number of participants as well as security measures and escape routes.
  • Get to know the potential audience and discuss the risks.
  • Do not attend appointments and events alone.
  • Use a code word in dangerous situations!
  • Be critical when protecting yourself: defensive weapons, such as pepper spray, can pose incalculable risks.

How to behave correctly

  • Be alert. Awareness of danger creates safety. Pay attention to your gut feeling and those around you. Take threats and security incidents seriously.
  • Get an overview of your surroundings before and on the approach. If possible, avoid unlit and remote parking lots.
  • Clarify the distribution of roles in the event of disruptions or hostilities - for example, contact the police; define safe havens for emergencies.
  • If people disrupt an event: Remain calm and do not provoke. When in contact with aggressive people or strangers, it is essential to maintain sufficient distance. Withdraw immediately if the situation escalates!
  • In dangerous situations, draw attention to yourself, even if you feel uncomfortable. Actively ask other people for support.
  • Report conspicuous people to the event organizer, security service or police.

Important: In an emergency, do not hesitate to call the police on 110 - at home, in the office or on the road.

Do you need advice? The central contact point for political decision-makers at the Ministry of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia is available around the clock: 0211-871 3131.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110