sicher.mobil.leben - traffic checks in the district
sicher.mobil.leben - traffic checks in the district
On Thursday, May 5, traffic checks were carried out throughout the country, in which the police in the Heinsberg district also took part.

The officers' main focus was on the roadworthiness of the drivers being checked.

Alcohol, drugs and the use of medication greatly impair roadworthiness. They reduce the ability to react and concentrate, which can have fatal consequences on the road.
Properly prescribed medication can also significantly impair your ability to drive. However, tiredness can also be dangerous when driving. Anyone who is tired makes driving mistakes. That's why everyone behind the wheel should be fit and well-rested. During their checks, the police officers found three drivers in Tüddern and Gangelt who were under the influence of narcotics. Blood samples were taken from them. Another driver was under the influence of alcohol. In this case, a breath alcohol measurement was taken that could be used in court. The police prohibited these road users from continuing their journey.


A courier driver had several unsecured batteries in the load compartment. He was therefore in breach of the regulations for the transportation of dangerous goods and load securing, which is why the officers also prohibited him from continuing his journey unsecured.


A total of 20 drivers were fined for failing to give way, failing to give priority and failing to turn properly. The police penalized 11 drivers for seat belt violations. A further three people were using a cell phone at the wheel. In two cases, the required driving license for the vehicle being driven was missing.

Speeding violations were detected and penalized in 131 vehicles. Three of the drivers face a driving ban. Everyone is responsible for their own roadworthiness. Safe road use depends on mutual consideration and the awareness that everyone is paying attention to other road users.


In order to increase safety on the roads in the Heinsberg district, there will be more of these unannounced traffic checks in the future.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110