The State Office of Criminal Investigation NRW warns of medical emergencies when using e-cigarettes with illegal liquids

illegal liquids
The State Office of Criminal Investigation NRW warns of medical emergencies when using e-cigarettes with illegal liquids
Illegal e-cigarette "liquids" are increasingly being mixed with synthetic cannabinoids or knockout drops. These mixtures can trigger life-threatening conditions when consumed. In this context, the LKA NRW warns against the consumption of these "liquids".
State Office of Criminal Investigation NRW

In NRW, several cases were reported this year in which users of these illegal substances required emergency medical assistance. The exact chemical composition of the drugs cannot be identified by the user and the effect on the body cannot be assessed. The packaging of the illegal liquids usually does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about the danger of the highly hazardous ingredients. The products are often even labeled "NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION". The effects of artificially produced "cannabinoids" are similar to those of "THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)", the intoxicating active ingredient in cannabis. However, they often have a significantly higher potency. In some cases in North Rhine-Westphalia, it is suspected that the substance supplied could be "GBL (abbreviation for: gamma-butyrolactone)". Detection in the blood of the victims has not yet been possible as "GBL" is quickly broken down in the body. The substance can only be detected if the e-cigarette or e-liquid can be examined.

Further information on the subject of drugs, addiction and the e-cigarette liquids described above can be found on the website of the Federal Centre for Health Education:


What you should look out for as a consumer of liquids in e-cigarettes:

  • Inform yourself about the quality and origin of the liquid before using e-cigarettes!
  • Reject the offer to vape other people's e-cigarettes!

What you can do in an emergency:

  • If you feel nauseous - seek medical treatment immediately!
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110