"Watch out, a wrong-way driver on the highway!"

The photo shows the traffic sign "No entry" in the foreground and a highway exit in the background.
"Watch out, a wrong-way driver on the highway!"
This message immediately makes every driver cringe. A wrong-way driver is a horror scenario on the highway.

Amy Dickhut

How do I behave correctly if a wrong-way driver comes towards me on the highway or I have driven the wrong way myself?

The following information is intended to give you useful tips on the correct behavior in such dangerous situations:

Ghost car message on the radio

  • Reduce your speed
  • Keep your distance from vehicles in front
  • Do not overtake!
  • Drive as far to the right as possible but not on the hard shoulder
  • If possible -> leave the freeway at the exit or drive to the nearest parking lot
  • Follow the traffic radio and wait for the all-clear

What to do in an emergency

  • Keep calm!
  • Never try to stop the wrong-way driver
  • Reduce your speed significantly
  • Switch on the hazard warning lights, activate the headlight flasher
  • Keep your distance from the wrong-way driver and neighboring vehicles
  • If the wrong-way driver has driven past -> find a safe location and call 110
  • Provide the position, direction of travel and description of the wrong-way driver's vehicle
  • Tip: Emergency call boxes automatically inform the control center of the current location when in use

Have you become a wrong-way driver yourself

  • Stay calm and reduce speed
  • Switch on the hazard warning lights, use the headlight flasher
  • Do not turn, do not reverse and do not cross the lane
  • If you are on the left -> Stop the vehicle as far to the left as possible
  • If you are on the right -> Stop the vehicle as far to the right as possible
  • Get out carefully, put on your safety vest and get behind a safety barrier
  • Do not run across the road!
  • Call 110 and wait for help
Translated with DeepL.com (API Version)
In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110