Young criminals should "get their act together"

Young criminals should "get their act together"
Police and educational professionals work together
"Kurve kriegen" is a crime prevention initiative of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia that helps children and young people at risk of crime to find ways out of crime.

They are still very young and yet already on their way to a "criminal career": children and young people suspected of multiple offenses in particularly problematic social situations. The North Rhine-Westphalian police are taking targeted and effective preventative action before such developments take off. With the NRW initiative "Turning the corner", it helps young people and their families to escape crime. In doing so, the NRW police are breaking new ground by involving those affected and experts.

"Kurve kriegen" was developed in 2011 by the Ministry of the Interior of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia based on the recommendations of the Enquete Commission on Prevention. The effectiveness and efficiency of the initiative has been scientifically proven by the evaluations of Christian-Albrecht-Universität zu Kiel and PROGNOS AG. "Kurve kriegen" was included in the "Grüne Liste Prävention" in 2017.

"The NRW initiative Kurve kriegen sets standards in crime prevention and the prevention of juvenile delinquency. Whether with the innovative approach of integrating educational specialists into the police teams and looking individually at the causes of crime or with the scientifically attested effectiveness and efficiency," says Interior Minister Herbert Reul.


The concept: How to give children and young people at risk a new perspective


Scientific evidence shows that around 6 - 10 percent of all suspected children and young people are responsible for up to 50 percent of crimes in this age group. Under unfavorable conditions and without effective intervention, they can develop into so-called "prolific offenders". By the age of 25, such "prolific offenders" leave behind an average of 100 victims, whom they steal from, rob, beat up or otherwise harm. This is accompanied by around 1.7 million euros in consequential social costs, which he causes directly or indirectly during this time. A possible development into a "prolific offender" often becomes apparent at an early stage, often as early as childhood.


The NRW initiative "Kurve kriegen" aims to recognize the development of children and young adolescents who are particularly at risk of crime into "prolific offenders" as early as possible and to prevent them in the long term in order to reduce the number of unlawful acts or crimes committed by them and thus also the number of offenders. This will reduce or significantly reduce the number of unlawful acts and crimes committed by them and thus also the number of their victims to "zero".

Guiding principles

Early help instead of late hardship! In view of the many victims, the enormous social follow-up costs caused by an "intensive offender" and their expected social marginalization, intervention must take place as early as possible - and before their "career" takes off. The investment of personnel and money in the early phase of conspicuous behavior is low compared to the investments, costs and measures required later - and above all effective. For pedagogical and criminological reasons, it is expedient to deal with the causes of these young people's criminality as early as possible, individually and precisely. Focusing on potential prolific offenders is particularly efficient in view of the high number of crimes and victims prevented. It also gives young people a chance to participate in society.

Target group

Children and young people, predominantly aged 8 to 15 years, who have been reported to the police for at least one violent offense or three property crimes and whose life circumstances are so risky that they are at risk of a permanent slide into crime.

"Kurve kriegen" is based on five measures

"Kurve kriegen" was developed by the Ministry of the Interior of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia on the basis of the findings of the "Prevention" Study Commission to draw up recommendations for an effective prevention policy. It is based on five measures.

1. early detection of particular crime risks

Comprehensive and standardized risk screening by the police and educational professionals allows children and young people who are particularly at risk of crime to be screened and identified at a very early stage. In addition to criminal anomalies, particular attention is paid to the living conditions of the young people. From a police perspective, the early and individual approach prevents crime and numerous other victims and is particularly useful from an educational perspective in order to bring about the necessary changes in behaviour.

2. Competent multi-professional teams of specialists

Educational specialists from recognized independent child and youth welfare organizations are integrated into the work of the police by means of service contracts. They are highly qualified and experienced in dealing with the target group. They have their workplace in the police authorities. There they are supported by a competent and experienced criminal investigation officer as a team partner. A concept that has proven its worth. Short distances and a quick exchange of information are guaranteed at all times. The educational specialist is informed about the participants on a daily basis and can react flexibly to changes, e.g. new offences.

3. Joint and connecting networking

The educational specialists act as a link to the youth welfare office and other cooperation partners such as schools. They coordinate the network work and, taking into account all aspects, e.g. planning and suggestions from the youth welfare office, create a tailor-made crime prevention offer for children, young people and their families.

4. Individual and tailor-made measures

The educational professionals draw on a wide range of educational and crime prevention offers from local providers. This provides them with a comprehensive set of measures consisting of elements such as skills training (e.g. coolness training or parent coaching), integrative offers (e.g. learning assistance, language and sports courses), leisure education offers and others such as addiction or debt counseling. The important thing here is to find the right fit! In some cases, individual measures are already helpful, in others the educational specialist orchestrates a whole bundle of such help.

5. Financial participation of the state

The prevention of juvenile delinquency is of particular interest to the state, which is why the costs for the educational specialists and the costs of the measures are borne in full by the state of NRW, with a few exceptions.

"Getting your act together" on the ground

The NRW initiative "Getting your act together" to prevent juvenile delinquency is now an integral part of crime prevention work in 21 district police authorities. The police, independent child and youth welfare organizations and local authorities work closely together in this initiative, which is unique in Germany.

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