Crime in connection with the current situation in Ukraine

Palms in the national colors of Ukraine
Crime in connection with the current situation in Ukraine
Get safe help. Provide safe help.
Those affected are experiencing unbelievable suffering these days. They are forced to flee and seek protection in Germany. People around the world share their fate. They are trying to help wherever they can. Unfortunately, this is exactly where criminals come in: They want to exploit such emergency situations and the willingness to help.

On this page, the NRW police therefore continuously inform those affected - both refugees and helpers - about current forms of crime. If you have already been a victim: Report it to a police station or online via the Online Police. In emergencies, dial emergency number 110.


Female refugees from Ukraine as potential victims of "human trafficking"

In principle, North Rhine-Westphalia is not a priority target area for human trafficking cases involving people of Ukrainian nationality. However, it is always true that people fleeing war and crisis zones are particularly at risk of experiencing violence and/or being exploited. This particular risk also remains in the European host country, and therefore also in NRW. A lack of information about their own legal situation can increase the risk.

The most important information for refugees and helpers can be found here:


Phishing attempts

The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and the LKA NRW warn of fraudulent emails in connection with the war in Ukraine:


It can be assumed that further variants will follow. You can find out how to protect yourself against phishing emails and websites on the website of the Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI).


Disseminating fake news

It can be assumed that certain groups of people are taking advantage of the current situation to spread uncertainty and/or support certain political movements by deliberately spreading falsehoods (so-called fake news). False reports not only stir up fears among the population, but also fuel the questionable trend towards hoarding, for example. One problem is the immense spread of content - without any verified truth content. It is important to break the trend of forwarding fake news. You can find important tips for your safety on the website of Police Crime Prevention.


Допомога біженцям з України
Help for refugees from Ukraine
У ці дні постраждалі переживають неймовірне горе. Їм доводиться тікати й шукати захисту в Німеччині. На жаль, саме такими надзвичайними ситуаціями хочуть скористатися злочинці . На цій сторінці поліція Північного Рейну-Вестфалії надає інформацію про те, як біженці можуть отримати безпечну допомогу....
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Anyone who has been the victim of a crime, accident or other misfortune often feels helpless and alone. However, there are numerous legal options to help people who have become victims.
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current occasion
From online fraud to human trafficking
Possible criminal offenses in connection with the Ukraine crisis
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110