Bares für Rares - ZA 1.4 takes care of more than just procurements

Vehicle LAFP NRW
Bares für Rares - ZA 1.4 takes care of more than just procurements
Central Department 1.4? That's the Central Procurement Office! That's what many LAFP NRW employees have stored in their heads. That's true, but there's much more to it than that.
Daniel Piotrowski, LAFP NRW

Procurement and awarding contracts: this is what the Central Department (ZA) 1.4 is known for throughout LAFP NRW. But the colleagues don't just deal with the acquisition of new equipment. Have you ever wondered what happens to the technology you think is scrap?

When it comes to equipment that is to be discarded and other items of moderate value, the question often arises as to whether it is actually scrap or perhaps cash for rares? True to the motto: there is actually a buyer for everything.

Is this really scrap metal?

There are certainly a number of products that subjectively no longer have any value, but which arouse particular interest among outsiders. The ZA 1.4 team is on hand to help determine this.

The colleagues evaluate items on the basis of a market survey or with the support of expert third parties and then post usable items on the customs auction platform, for example. In this way, they ensure that the best possible return is achieved for the state and thus comply with the NRW state budget regulations.

Where there's wood, there are chips - claims for damages

But not everything always goes as smoothly as you would hope. For example, equipment on duty or third-party property can be damaged. Unfortunately, personal injury can also occur during operations. The ZA 1.4 team also takes care of this

For example, this involves settling or asserting claims from colleagues and third parties. Since nobody wants to suffer a disadvantage from a claim, civil court disputes cannot always be avoided. ZA 1.4 always focuses on achieving a legally acceptable result for both sides.

Contracts for four-legged companions

The LAFP NRW also offers a range of training and further education events with internal and external speakers as well as role plays. The ZA 1.4 team also conducts a market review, initiates security and reliability checks and concludes service contracts for external commitments.

However, ZA 1.4 not only concludes contracts for this, but also for the service dogs of the NRW police, who are loyal companions, intrepid helpers and true super noses. When it comes to buying or selling the four-legged friends, for example, the central department takes care of the contracts.

This shows that the tasks of ZA 1.4 are more complex than some people initially think.

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