Media management regulates cooperation with the media

Public Relations LKA NRW
Media management regulates cooperation with the media
Information for media representatives
Dr. Jörg Bockow

There is hardly a police operation that does not attract increased public interest. The media have picked up on this interest. However, the work of the media is not always covered by the duty to provide information under press law and the documented right to comprehensive, factual information at first hand. More and more frequently, the media are focusing on curiosity, voyeurism or sensationalism with their reports and formats. Against this background, the police must ensure that reporting about them remains factual and that there is no loss of trust or damage to their image. Clear rules and binding agreements are needed for cooperation with the media.

The NRW State Office for Police Training, Further Training and Personnel Matters (LAFP NRW) is the higher state authority responsible for approving all media requests that go beyond the duty to provide information under press law.

If it is a press inquiry, each police authority processes these inquiries independently. As a rule, these are requests for an interview or statement on current police events. In addition, the state central media management at LAFP NRW is responsible. This concerns reports, documentaries and reports that do not relate to current events. The police authorities receive the most frequent inquiries when journalists want to accompany police operations.

The requests come from television editors who are researching for magazine reports, from radio stations that need original sound for features and from newspaper editors who want to report on police work in more detail - for example in the form of a report. There are also requests for police support for fictional products such as feature films, TV dramas, docu-soaps or scripted reality series.

Media productions requiring approval are voluntary services

Participation in media productions that are not subject to the obligation to provide information under press law is a voluntary service provided by the police. However, the police have a great interest in factual reporting as part of their public relations work. This includes, in particular, articles that show police prevention work, i.e. fighting traffic accidents or crime, or that are suitable for arousing and promoting interest in the police profession. In each individual case, it must be checked what the focus of the report is and whether the police are in a position in terms of personnel and resources to enable the requested voluntary production participation. The original police work has absolute priority.

The media decree regulates police involvement

The state's central "Media" approval procedure, which is applied several hundred times a year, is located at the LAFP NRW. It has been brought together there in the Press and Public Relations department. The necessary specialist synergies are bundled here. The approval procedure is generally initiated by the requested authority that wishes to implement the notified project - not by the production companies or the broadcaster itself.

The basis for the further examination procedure of the LAFP NRW is the standardized application of the respective authority. If several police authorities are involved and the cooperation of different authorities or departments must be coordinated, the LAFP NRW takes the lead in the further procedure. The LAFP NRW regulates the coordination between the police authorities and the media representatives.

Decisions are made in accordance with the guidelines set out in the "Media Decree" (circular issued by the Ministry of the Interior and Municipal Affairs on November 15, 2011, ref. 401 - 58.02.05 on cooperation between the media and the police in North Rhine-Westphalia). This sets out the procedure for media management and the criteria with which all inquiries are examined.

The NRW police do not participate in scripted reality & co.

There are clear rules for dealing with TV dramas and crime series. There is generally no collaboration. The genre of scripted reality TV, in which real events such as a police operation are faked, is problematic for the reputation of the police. These formats are therefore not supported. Viewers generally do not realize that the content being broadcast is "fake police work".

Precise agreements ensure that material filmed with the help of a public authority does not reappear and be used in other contexts and other formats.

If a request is approved, several contracts are concluded before filming begins. They regulate the collaboration in detail. Among other things, the right to use the recordings is stipulated. The mandatory contracts should be checked with the production company in advance to avoid cancellations at short notice before filming begins.

In addition, journalists, photographers and reporters traveling in the car must waive any claims for damages. Passengers in a patrol car must declare that they are aware that the ride is associated with an increased risk and that they waive any claims for compensation in the event of damage.

The personal rights of all those involved are important

Journalists and reporters are also made aware of the personal rights of all those involved. This applies in particular to the rights of victims, but also of suspects or perpetrators. Without exception, journalists and reporters must comply with the right to one's own image and the protection of the confidentiality of personal information. Before filming or photographing, the necessary permissions must be obtained (in writing). Only then may a media team become active and film or take photographs.

The privacy of protagonists who are involuntarily and accidentally recorded during a police operation or during official press and public relations work must always be guaranteed. Data protection and criminal law provisions must be strictly observed. It is irrelevant whether these are innocent citizens or police officers involved in the operation. Not everyone wants to be recognized either directly or indirectly or in the first or second row in a television report. Especially not if the person concerned has done something wrong in road traffic or elsewhere and thus becomes the focus of police work.


The consent of all participants to film, audio or photo recordings must be declared in advance. It is not enough to make the face unrecognizable later by means of a black bar or so-called pixelation. No consent means no recordings with the involvement of the NRW police. In addition to the protection of personal rights, it goes without saying that any information that could hinder the further work of the police for tactical reasons must not be used.


Contact person

Would you like to implement a media request requiring approval in a police authority? Then contact the authority in which you would like to implement the notified project.
The approval procedure at LAFP NRW is then initiated by the authority you have requested - not by the production company or the broadcaster itself.

However, you are also welcome to contact the LAFP NRW press office by telephone to obtain information. The contact details can be found on the right.



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