National Head Office Personnel matters

Personnel matters
National Head Office Personnel matters
Transfer procedures, complaints management or disciplinary law - the LAFP NRW supports the entire NRW police force.

In the area of state-central personnel matters, the tasks of the LAFP NRW include carrying out the state-wide transfer procedure, supporting the Ministry of the Interior of the State of NRW in personnel management and complaints management.

The higher state authority is involved in the assessment procedure and carries out all medical selection and aptitude tests for recruitment to the police service. Other tasks also include the supervision of disciplinary and personnel matters relating to the district police authorities and the police medical services in matters of free military welfare.

The NRW Ministry of the Interior is supported by the LAFP NRW in matters of state-wide equality between women and men and in personnel law step-by-step procedures.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110